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Youth Sports Safety

April is National Youth Sports Safety Month
The weather is starting to warm, and kids are eager to get back outside. April is National Youth Sports Safety Month, and we at OAL would like to share some tips with parents and coaches in the community.
Sports Physicals
An annual physical and pre-participation sports physical (PPE) is necessary for any age. Ensuring each participant's physical and mental wellness is essential to ensure everyone engages safely in any sport!
Encourage kids to stay well hydrated with personal water bottles. Hydrating before, during, and after an activity has many benefits. Coaches should implement mandatory water breaks throughout practices and games.
Warm-Up / Cooldown
A proper warm-up, especially an active exercise routine, is a great way to get the body ready to play. We encourage coaches to have dedicated warm-up time to ease kids into exercise. Taking a few minutes at the end of practice to stretch and cool the body down can also help start the recovery process. Especially in cold or hot/humid weather, both of these sessions are vital in reducing injury.
Safety gear
Wearing properly fitted and sized equipment will help reduce the severity of injury. This may include mouthguards, helmets, shin guards, shoes with rubber cleats, ankle braces, and especially sunscreen.
Safe Sport
Being prepared is the best form of treatment. Preventing injury and illness before it gets started is vital to keeping our communities healthy and safe.
If you decide that you want to be involved in youth sports, especially as a coach, we encourage safe sports training. Safe Kids Sports has safety clinics to help prepare you for that first day of practice. Getting certified in first aid as well as CPR is a great idea. Having and being able to use a first aid kit is another excellent recommendation. Lastly, knowing the signs and symptoms of a concussion is very important for coaches, parents, and athletes.
Schedule a pre-participation physical with Brandon M. Eck, D.O., today. Call 717-299-4871.