
  • Bones are ridged but when an outside force is applied, they can bend or break. While splinting or casting is enough for many fractures, severe breaks may require fracture surgery.

    Fracture surgery is dependent on the force of trauma and how the bone breaks. In some cases, it can take…

  • Golfer’s elbow, also known as medial epicondylitis, is a painful form of elbow tendonitis. While common among golfers, this condition can affect anyone engaged in repetitive or overuse of the tendons located in the inner elbow. These tendons are responsible for gripping, wrist flexion, and arm…

  • Hip arthroscopy is a procedure that your orthopedic surgeon may use to look inside your hip joint, diagnose hip injuries, or repair damage in the hip joint. Hip arthroscopy may be recommended if your hip pain and symptoms do not improve after several months of nonsurgical treatment such as…

  • Hip resurfacing, also known as hip joint resurfacing or hip resurfacing arthroplasty, is a type of surgery used to replace a damaged hip joint and relieve the associated hip pain and symptoms. Hip resurfacing may be recommended as an alternative to total hip replacement because it can preserve…

  • Hip revision surgery involves removing and replacing a worn, loosened or misaligned implant to relieve pain and improve the function of the implanted hip system. Revision surgery is based on several issues, the implant may have become loose, worn or infected. As the replacement fails you may…

  • Knee arthroscopy, also known as a knee scope, is a minimally invasive surgical procedure that your orthopedic surgeon may use to evaluate a variety of conditions affecting your knee joint. Knee arthroscopy can be used to address ACL tears, meniscal tears, and remove loose bodies in the…

  • Knee ligament injuries, such as a torn ACL, are very painful. Your knee contains four ligaments that provide stability. Tears of the ACL or PCL do not typically heal well on their own. If you are young and active, your orthopedic surgeon may recommend surgery or knee ligament reconstruction for…

  • Knee revision surgery involves replacing or removing a partial or total knee implant with a new implant. Revision surgery is based on several issues, the implant may have become loose, worn or infected. As the replacement fails you may experience a limp, stiffness and pain, or instability. With…

  • A medial branch block is a type of spinal injection to temporarily block the pain signals coming from the medial nerves. Medial nerves run through the facet joints. Facet joints are joints in your spine that allow for movement between vertebrae.

    If you are experiencing back pain, a medial…

  • Minimally invasive knee replacements are performed to alleviate chronic knee pain due to arthritis. The surgery requires the cutting of soft tissue and bone to implant prosthetic knee joint components. Minimally invasive knee replacement uses a smaller skin incision and tends to require less…