
  • Spinal stenosis refers to the narrowing and compression of spinal cord or nerve branches. Compression can occur at any level of the spine, but most commonly occurs in the low back or neck.

    Compression of the nerve roots and spinal cord can cause pain and decreased blood supply which can…

  • A sprained ankle doesn’t only happen to athletes, but it can be a very common injury when playing sports. Sprains can result from sudden twisting, turning, or rolling movements. They often occur when playing sports that call for a quick change of direction, require you to keep your balance on an…

  • Sprains and strains are common orthopedic complaints, however there is a distinct difference between the two.  A sprain refers to the tearing or stretching of the fibers of a ligament. A ligament connects one bone to another. A strain, also known as a pulled muscle, is the tearing of muscle…

  • A stress fracture refers to the weakening of a bone due to overuse or repetitive movement. The affected bone will sustain smaller, unnoticeable breaks over time that eventually leads to a full fracture or break.

    Unlike a standard fracture that happens immediately after a high force or…

  • Your tendons are flexible bands of tissue that attach muscle to bone. When a tendon becomes irritated or inflamed it is referred to as tendonitis. Common forms of tendonitis include tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow, runner’s knee, swimmer’s shoulder, and achilles tendonitis. 


  • Lateral Epicondylitis, or tennis elbow, is a painful form of elbow tendonitis. While common among tennis players, you don’t need to be a regular on the court to be affected by this condition.

    The muscles responsible for extending the wrist are located in the forearm. These muscles are…

  • Tenosynovitis refers to inflammation of the synovium, a protective sheath that covers your tendons and produces a fluid to help keep them lubricated. 

    Tenosynovitis most commonly involves the tendons of the hands, wrists, or feet. Tenosynovitis inflammation is commonly caused by…

  • Do you experience snapping, clicking, or locking when bending your fingers? These are often symptoms of stenosing flexor tenosynovitis, or trigger finger. Trigger finger is a common cause of hand pain in adults. 

    Inside your fingers are flexor tendons. These cord-like structures are…

  • Whiplash occurs when the muscles in your neck suffer a strain because of a rapid movement backward and then forward. The sudden motion causes your neck’s tendons and ligaments to stretch and tear, resulting in whiplash.

    Whiplash results when the muscles and ligament in your neck extend…